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Events Benefits

It’s Your Business June 2024

It’s Your Business June 2024
May 31, 2024 Ryan Workman

Click here for the printable .pdf version

This month: This month’s IYB showcases two important Seminar & Training Series events, one past and one yet to come: in May the Central PA Chamber marked Mental Health Awareness Month with a presentation to break the stigma in the workplace.  This month, the Chamber is honored to host attorney Thomas C. Marshall of McNerney, Page, Vanderlin, & Hall for a seminar to get our members ready for imminent rule changes from the US Department of Labor.  “Did You Know?” the Central PA Chamber’s Membership Directory and Referral system is available to members, in multiple formats, for FREE!  Enjoy guest columns from the Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Transportation as well as i3 Verticals, and more!

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