What does the Central PA Chamber of Commerce do?
The Central PA Chamber of Commerce exists to help business and organizations succeed, thrive and grow. This is done through networking, marketing, referrals and many additional ways. We pride ourselves in getting to know your business/organization and connecting you to resources that will help you grow!
What geographical area do you cover?
We do not have a defined “footprint” or coverage area. We can accept members from anywhere across the country, or world for that matter. Current members come from a number of other regions and states. (Their types of business don’t necessarily require person-to-person interaction.) A bulk of our membership, however, is represented in Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder and Union counties.
Do I need to come to meetings?
No, you do not need to attend meetings. Are the events we plan beneficial – YES! However, we understand circumstances may not allow you to attend meetings and other events. We can help these members, too. Examples include: Member-to-Member Discounts, appearing in It’s Your Business the magazine, and taking online training courses.
What happens to my membership dues?
The membership dues you pay, as well as any sponsorships or registration fees, stay entirely with the Central PA Chamber of Commerce. Funds remain 100% local. We are not affiliated with any other Chamber or organization of any size or scope.
How long is my membership term?
Central PA Chamber membership lasts a full 12 months from the time you join and pay, regardless of what time of year it is. For example, if you join in March, your membership renewal would be the following March. If you join in November, you will need to renew the following November.
Can I be a member of more than one Chamber of Commerce?
Yes, and we encourage it! All Chambers are independent organizations. Therefore, we all have different philosophies in how to assist businesses/organizations. You can also receive a first-year membership discount from the Central PA Chamber when you also belong to another Chamber, downtown organization or something similar. Learn more here!
How do I know if they Central PA Chamber of Commerce is the right fit for me?
We survey our members annually and are in regular communication with them. This allows us to stay on top of issues important to the membership. We also have an Engagement Team made up of members that meet on a regular basis to discuss relevant member issues.