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August 4, 2021
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Reentry is more than a buzz word in Corrections and Parole. Come hear how your company can find certified and experienced employees and the financial benefits to hiring this hidden talent pool. Staff will share the opportunities available to inmates and reentrants, both inside and outside prison. These opportunities benefit employers who can then hire an educated and/or skilled employee. Also, hear from an employer who will share their challenges and successes.
Speakers include:
- Dorenda Hamarlund, Workforce Development Specialist – Department of Corrections, PA Parole Board
- Greg Shirk, Workforce Development Supervisor, PA Department of Labor & Industry
Venue: Central PA Chamber of Commerce
Venue Phone: 570-742-7341
Venue Website: www.centralpachamber.com
Address:30 Lawton Lane, Milton, Pennsylvania, 17847
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