(570) 742-7341

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Seminar & Training: Re-Entry Awareness

Seminar & Training: Re-Entry Awareness
March 10, 2025 Teajay Aikey
Details Price Qty
Membershow details + $0.00 USD  
Non-Membershow details + $5.00 USD  


What will you learn?

  • How employers can gain successful employees while assisting re-entry.
  • How employment is related to criminogenic risk.
  • Rebuilding financially, mentally, and structurally.
  • Reducing poverty.


Meet the panelists:

  • Scott Kerstetter is the Chief Probation Officer for Union County, Pennsylvania serving the 17th Judicial District with over 31 years of criminal justice experience.  Scott’s work experience includes institutional corrections, adult/juvenile probation, Specialty Courts, and law enforcement.  He earned an undergraduate degree in criminal justice from York College of Pennsylvania and a Master of Science in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of Cincinnati.  Scott currently serves as the Vice Chair of the Standards Subcommittee for the County Adult Probation and Parole Advisory Committee for the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.


  • Benjamin Herrold, Certified Recovery Specialist for The Lighthouse Sober Living Recovery Ministry


  • Drew Lahr, Reentry Coordinator & Reintegration Coordinator for Susquehanna Valley Mediation: “I have lived a lifetime filled with challenges related to both addiction and reentry. I grew up in a family that was molding me to be the statistic that would only justify the stigma that is associated with addiction and incarceration. I had an abusive father, addicted mother, and early involvement with the law because of early addiction. All of these things were designing a young man that many thought was going to fail miserably in life while sucking the system dry of resources, as I was doing.  However, my difficult journey to success has taught me an incredible number of valuable lessons. Lessons about myself, lessons that allow me to stand with people that are coming from a similar place. I can look at the person who survived an overdose and still see and believe they can succeed, because I can relate and KNOW it’s possible. I can look at the person who has lost loved ones to addiction and feels defeated and relate to their struggles and believe they can do it! I can relate to the person with multiple state prison sentences, the person in and out of jail not understanding how to change. The list of challenges goes on and on and I can both relate to all of it and BELIEVE that each and every one of them can change. People need tools, care, and understandingToday I am married with 2 children living at home. My wife, Kylee Lahr, is the RSP supervisor for Gaudenzia in Coal Township and we are both very actively involved in Recovery Church in Sunbury. We live our lives, in and out of our careers, helping people struggling with addiction and reentry because we believe people like us play an important role in changing the drug epidemic and lower recidivism rates in our area.”


Venue Phone: 570-742-7341

Venue Website:

30 Lawton Lane, Milton, Pennsylvania, 17847


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