Devoted To Your Day is a new concept for making you look your best and taking the hassle out of planning all of the details for your wedding. Backed by The Graphic Hive (Williamsport’s premier marketing agency) we take a brand oriented approach to everything for your wedding. From save the dates, to wedding websites, to party favors, table markers, menus, invitations, thank you cards and more we want everything to look consistent and of the best quality. From traditional letterpress, to screen printing, to digital and sublimation printing we have the capability to produce just about anything for your wedding. For the day of, we offer photography, videography, and photo booth services. Also after your wedding we offer in-house conservation framing to build a nice shadow box to preserve your memories for years to come. You have enough to worry about…we are Devoted to Your Day!
140 West Fourth Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
Phone: 570-980-1175