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Education & Training
1261 Lincoln Avenue
San Jose, CA 95125
Phone: 1-888-585-9978

Coggno is an online training marketplace and learning management system (LMS) that brings together content creators, HR organizations, and employees in a single, cloud-based ecosystem enabling simplified training and certification anywhere in the world. Coggno is the fastest growing online training marketplace in the world, with a client list that includes businesses of all shapes and sizes, including Google, 7-11 Stores, General Dynamics, CNA, and many more. Our comprehensive marketplace features thousands of high-quality training courses created by world-class training developers, and covers virtually all industries including human resources, management, healthcare, safety, and many others. Coggno provides a one stop shop resource to meet all your specific education and training needs, and provides simple, efficient delivery via our LMS platform.

Primary Contact
Vojdan Bekjarovski
Training & Development Specialist

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