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Community & Non-Profit, Education & Training , Entertainment & Recreation
Williamsport Music Club
441 Pine Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
Phone: 570-323-4604

The Williamsport Music Club, a member of the Pennsylvania and National Federation of Music Clubs, is a welcoming community of musicians and music lovers who aim to perform, educate, entertain, and carry on our musical heritage in the hearts and minds of all ages. If you have a passion for music, you know there is no greater experience than live performance. We offer free monthly concerts during a season that lasts from September to June, participate in National Music Week festivities, bring music to the sick and homebound through our community outreach programs, and fundraise for and distribute scholarships to young performers to further their musical education. Please join us! Visit our website and social media to see and hear our next performance.

Primary Contact
Ryan Workman

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